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Ukraine Language Club visit Southampton Solent Rotary

At a recent meeting of Southampton Solent Rotary we were pleased to receive a certificate of thanks from the Ukrainian Language Club.

President Stuart Hill receiving the certificate.

We have recently supported them by providing stationery and other equipment to help them run this invaluable initiative, held weekly in Freemantle Southampton. The club consists of approx 20 children and their families who have been displaced by the war in Ukraine and now live with host families in the Southampton area. With so many young children now being educated in English, the initiative looks to protect their Ukrainian language and customs, in readiness for their return to their homeland.

Our support is on going and we look forward to working with them over the months to come.

Angela explained to Rotarian, the role of a host and Olena gave an emotional summary of the work being done and its importance to Ukrainians and their families.

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